Capital Appeal Fundraising Events

More than one in three people living on the street have deliberately been hit, kicked, or experienced some other forms of violence. A rough sleeper's average age is just 44 years of age.

Do something to challenge yourself this Autumn by hosting or joining a fundraising event to support our Webber Street Refurbishment Appeal. Take your pick from the list below.

LCM's Big Brew

Invite friends, family, church, or colleagues, put the kettle on, chat, and enjoy home-baked goods to raise funds for the work at Webber Street. The funds will help homeless people in London hear the gospel for the first time and get the help they need. It is an informal way to share the wonderful work of London City Mission and Webber Street with people over a cup of tea, coffee and sweet treats whilst watching the Webber Street film.

Ultimate Challenge – The LCM coffee morning in 1947 raised £25/9/6 (twenty five pounds, nine shillings and sixpence). This is over £1000 in today’s money. Try and beat that!

LCM's Sponsored Silence

Challenge yourself to a sponsored silence to highlight that some homeless people are constantly ignored, and loneliness is an issue for many. Detach from the digital age or stay silent for as long as possible. It could be half a day, a day, or a week if you’re feeling adventurous. How far are you willing to go for the spread of the Gospel? Be creative in finding other ways to communicate throughout the day, e.g., hold up cards, use sign gestures, or learn sign language!

Hold a break-silence party where you can explain your reasoning for doing it, what you learnt, how God worked in the silence, how you felt, and the challenges, and encourage others to do it!

Ultimate Challenge: If you think either one is easy, combine both! See how long you can manage without a digital connection and verbal communication.


LCM’s Big Winter Sleepout was a hit, but how about trying to organise a capital appeal edition for your friends and family? Please get in touch, and we will give you all the support you need to organise one. It can be in your garden or church car park—anywhere safe that people can spend the night experiencing a glimpse of what people who are homeless experience.

Take it a step further and push your body to its limits!


Swim, Cycle and Run for a total of 70.3 miles in Weymouth, Dorset on Sunday 15th September 2024

Tough Mudder

Run 5k or 15k, tackling over 12 obstacles along the way in West Sussex on the 21st or 22nd of September.

Ultra Challenge

Join 2500 walkers on Saturday, September 14th, and trek across London, taking in unrivalled views of the skyline and historic landmarks. You can also join Ultra Challenge for many other walks, jogs, or runs.

Challenge Central Cycle

Embark on an incredible adventure, covering the 190 miles between London and Paris on Friday 13th September.


Which one will you pick? Share your choice with us via email or tag us on social media and use #lcmcapitalcampaign.

Please use our Challenge Events Just Giving page to fundraise for LCM on these events or any other event you choose to do. Anything you raise will be match-funded!

The money you raise will be used for:

Consultation Rooms

£15 could help provide privacy space for guests to discuss personal issues

New Boilers

£30 could help provide hot shower for a guest coming from the cold winter streets

Refurbished bedrooms

£100 could go towards improving the bedrooms to provide a guest a comfy bed for the first in a long while

New Windows

£500 could go towards new windows to keep the guests warm during the winter months


£1,200 could go towards a new ventilation system that improves the airflow and prevents the spread of diseases

All funds raised will go towards the refurbishment work of Webber Street and Corner House. Any additional costs of the works will go to LCM's work with the homeless and marginalised.


Thank you
We will be in touch soon.

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