London City Mission Pioneers

London City Mission Pioneers are Christians who live in some of the most gospel deprived areas of London and who have a heart for the lost. Their lives have been transformed by the Gospel message, and they want to pass it on to others.

Through a part-time training programme in urban mission, which includes one day a week of interactive lectures, one day of working alongside a missionary and one day of work in your local congregation, we will equip you to help your local church to reach out with the gospel.


  • A passion for Jesus Christ and to serve the people of London in a Gospel ministry.
  • A desire to share the Gospel.
  • Evidence of an infectious Christian faith.
  • A minimum of one year attendance in current church.
  • Unable to access Accredited Theological training otherwise.
  • Involvement in evangelistic ministry would be preferred.
  • Demonstrated ability to work as part of a team.
  • Willingness to participate in the LCM Training programme.
  • Evidence of a commitment to personal well-being, a healthy and prayerful spiritual life and a committed relationship with a local church.
  • Evidence of the recommendation, commitment and support from your church for this ministry.
  • A knowledge and understanding of a culture and community in London that is unreached by most churches.

There is an Occupational Requirement that the person appointed be an evangelical Christian.

Salary: £18,570 per annum.

This is a part-time (24 hours per week), 23 months fixed-term contract appointment.

For more information, please contact the HR Department by email

Closing Date for applications: Midday Friday 14th March 2025


You must be a member of a church in London, for a least a year. Your church is required to complete the Church Recommendation Form and email it directly to

Please take care to read the guidance notes on the Application Form before completing and sending it to us.

Job description

Application form (Word)

Church Recommendation Form (Word)

Privacy Notice

Closing date for applications: Midday Friday 14th March 2025

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