
Reaching hundreds of children with the gospel


Reaching hundreds of children with the gospel


LCM is training church volunteers and developing relationships with local schools with an invite to come to church and experience the programme as part of the RE curriculum.

By 2030 our aim is to have Life Exhibition established and active in 20 London boroughs reaching thousands of children.

Life Exhibitions is a weeklong tent-based introduction to the Christian faith programme held in LCM London partner churches.

The exhibition created by ‘Counties’ for primary aged children to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in a relatable and engaging way. Through interactive technology such as iPads, clickers, videos and goggles enabling the children and their teachers, many of whom have not been in a church before, to hear about Jesus in an interactive and natural way by committed Christians.

The Exhibition is hosted by two LCM missionaries, alongside church volunteers, who LCM staff have trained and overseen by an LCM Field Director. Each class of 30 children, with three teachers attend a session. There are two sessions each AM and PM - so over the week 600 children and 60 teachers will of heard and experienced the gospel lovingly told, by committed Christians. There are five tents the children (and their teachers) explore and the programme consists of:

  1. The Black Tent: All the class are together for 10 minutes and the children are asked ‘ What do they already know about Jesus?’ They then split into groups of 10 and circulate around the next three tents.
  2. The Blue Tent: each small group hears about ‘Jesus Miracles’.
  3. The Green Tent: each small group hears about ‘Jesus Teaching’
  4. The Red Tent: each small group hears about Jesus’ ‘Lineage’ – prophecies etc.
  5. The Black Tent: All the class together again to hear about Jesus’ Life, Death and Resurrection. The children complete a quiz.
  6. Café: The children and teachers are welcomed and a Q&A session, both the survey’s and quotes from the children are recorded for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
  7. St Luke’s Gospel: All the children and teachers can leave with a copy of St Luke’s Gospel. A key objective of this programme is to build relationships with teachers and schools with the aim to be invited to teach the Christianity module in the curriculum in schools, so children (and their teachers) hear about Jesus from committed Christians and are authentically taught.

The impact of the project cannot be over emphasised, the children and their teacher ask amazing questions, and some come away, seeing Jesus for who he really is and this seed by God’s Grace will grow long into the future.

Find out more in the video below:
