
Our conferences take place throughout the year on various topics relating to urban mission. They are open to everyone.

Themes in the past have included work with refugees and asylum seekers, ministry on estates, and urban mission in the local church.

As well as equipping people with skills, insight and knowledge, LCM conferences are excellent places to make connections with like-minded Christians. By the end of our conferences, you’ll be inspired and energised by what God is doing across London. Your head will be bursting with new ideas for urban mission, and your phone will be full of potential partnership contacts!

Conference topics will be advertised in advance. Previous themes have included how to reach local communities with the gospel, next steps for young people considering ministry, and training on reaching specific people groups such as the elderly or the homeless community.

Upcoming Conferences

12 July

MET Conference: The Bible & The Qur'an

This year’s conference is especially designed to explore and explain what the Qur'an teaches about the Bible, giving you the confidence to share why the Bible is reliable and trustworthy.

Come along and leave feeling even more motivated to share the gospel with Muslims!

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