Webber Street Day Centre

Please note, recruitment for volunteers at Webber Street is currently closed. We will begin accepting new volunteers after Easter.

Could you come alongside people living on the streets to share God's love with them?

Webber Street is LCM’S Day Centre for people who are homeless - based just around the corner from Waterloo station. We welcome up to 70 guests a day - we seek to give them not only relief from life on the streets, but also help in taking the first step out of homelessness.

We also seek to meet the emotional and spiritual needs of guests, as well as the physical ones, to help restore some of the dignity that life on the streets has taken from them and to share the life-transforming news of Jesus!

And we would love for you to join our team and be part of what God is doing here. There are a two main ways that you can get involved as a volunteer.

your involvement


This role involves serving our guests breakfast at our morning sessions and assisting them one-to-one with their practical needs. You can also join our weekly Bible Group, Arts Group or Friday drop-in.

This role is very much serving on the frontline of the ministry with our guests.

Centre Team

This role involves supporting the centre practically by working in our clothes store, assisting in the kitchen, and doing other practical jobs around the building such as maintenance.

It's a hands-on type of role but a vital part of the ongoing ministry of Webber Street.


We are looking for Christians who have a heart for those on the margins of society and want to put their faith into action by serving.

We want to make the best use of your gifts and experience, as well as finding a time that fits with your schedule, so we'll work with you to define how you can serve best.

You will be fully supported by a full-time ministry leader and a team of staff. We'll also reimburse you for your travel costs.

If you are joining the befriending team, you should be comfortable sharing your faith with guests at natural opportunities.


So, could God be calling you to get involved in what he is doing at Webber Street?

If so, download and complete the application form, and email it to dan.burrows@lcm.org.uk . We look forward to hearing from you!

Download the application form

However you decide to get involved at Webber Street, one of the most powerful things you can do is to pray with us! Sign up to receive our newsletter below and you'll be equipped to pray for the men and women who pass through our doors!

get in touch
if you have any questions about serving at Webber Street, complete this form

Thank you
We will be in touch soon.

Your data will be kept securely and in line with our privacy policy. If at any time you no longer want to receive these, just get in touch with our friendly supporter partnership team. For more information on how we use your data, please visit lcm.org.uk/privacy.