Supporting mission

We love to partner with churches who share our vision to see Jesus known across every community in London.

Support from churches like yours enable people who would otherwise never hear the truth about Jesus, to be lovingly invited to follow him. They enable people like Ann, who lives on an estate in Vauxhall and had dismissed God, to be invited to church. Ann now lives for Jesus and tells everyone she meets about him!

The capital has over 100 nationalities, and millions of people like Ann who have never heard the gospel. If your church has a passion for global mission, there is no better place than London to get invested in what God is doing!

ways of supporting mission

London needs Jesus! Your support means that every day, missionaries can share the eternal hope of Jesus, alongside churches, with the people least likely to ever hear the gospel.

Give as a church

Find out the ways you can make gifts towards London City Mission and specific missionaries

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Pray as a church

Find resources to help you pray for London and for missionaries as they share the gospel alongside churches across the city

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Our passion is to build deep partnerships for the gospel with churches like yours. As you enable the gospel to be shared across London through your prayers and gifts, we would love to inspire and encourage you to do the same with the people around you. There are two great ways of doing this.

connect with a missionary

Whether it's speaking at your church service or something more informal, our missionaries would love to inspire and encourage your church

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Church reps

Become a rep and get your church connected with what God is doing across London

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