Faith Edwards

Missionary in Newham

"My heart is to see the church embrace marginalised women across generations and for them to find family in the church."

Faith joined LCM's Pioneer Programme shortly after coming to faith in Christ, and has since become a missionary in Newham, specialising in ministering to marginalised women.

Her role also involves reaching the diaspora church equipping them to integrate women cross culturally.

"My heart is to see the church embrace marginalised women across generations and for them to find family in the church... so that their spiritual and emotional well-being is nurtured and identity in Christ is discovered."

"Newham is such a diverse borough. We have people from all over the world and from different religious backgrounds - Muslim, Sikh, Hindu. Language can be a barrier. We also have high levels of homelessness. There are mental health needs, gender based violence, substance misuse and cultural shame. There's a growing number of agnostics as well as people following Kemetic spirituality. Amongst millennials and Gen Z, I see lots of young people leaving the religion they were brought up with."

"I long to see women reached and discipled cross culturally and for each believer to flourish in their giftings for building the Kingdom."

Born in the USA, Faith was raised in Oxfordshire and is one of five siblings - the only believer in her family. She's from mixed heritage of 16 nationalities. She enjoys swimming, cooking, weightlifting and quality time with friends.

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