Graham Miller

Chief Executive Officer London City Mission

“I am passionate about all the work of London City Mission because London needs Jesus!"

"The Lord has given us a calling to serve him wholeheartedly in cross-cultural gospel mission."

Before joining the Mission, Graham led a number of businesses and charities in the UK, Europe and East Asia, and served as a missionary for Crosslinks in China for ten years. He then sought to continue this calling in London in 2013 when an opportunity came up to serve as CEO at London City Mission.

"My training with a multinational had taught me about change management and strategy, but my ten years in mission has taught me to take the gospel across cultures and how to bridge gaps so that the good news of Jesus Christ can be heard by people in their heart culture."

Graham's passion has always been for gospel ministry, and longs to see souls saved in London.

“I am passionate about all the work of London City Mission because London needs Jesus! However, my prayers and ministry are often drawn to young people, particularly following the passing of my eldest son, Harry.”

Figures suggest that young people are praying more. They are more likely to believe in heaven and hell than their parents even though they don’t go to church. They are looking for answers. The Bible says "seek and you shall find", and it’s Graham’s firm belief that it's the job of all of Christians to make sure that we are available, and the answers are easily accessible.

“My vision is to see all young people encounter the gospel of Jesus Christ in their formative years. At London City Mission I work with people who are gifted at helping us to communicate the hope of Jesus thoughtfully and sensitively within the contexts they live in, as they struggle with disaffection, depression, and disillusionment. That is why I'm committed to the young people here - they need answers, and they need Jesus. I'm not going to give up on that.”

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