Laurah Gordon

Missionary in Croydon

"Children in London’s schools are yet to hear the gospel and find the hope it brings"

Laurah grew up familiar with the Bible, and would occasionally visit church, but it wasn’t until she went to university that the truth of the gospel made sense to her.

“I was a bit wild at university, but I had a number of Christian friends who would pray for me. It wasn’t until my final year, when suffering with depression and anxiety that the reality of Jesus hit home. I started coming along to my friends’ Bible study groups, and I understood grace for the first time.”

Laurah gave her life to Jesus, and soon felt a burden to share her faith with others.

“I remember thinking, ‘imagine if I knew as a teenager what I know now about Jesus.’”

This ultimately led to Laurah becoming a missionary in Croydon at LCM, where she supports local churches to share the gospel with children and young people.

“Young people are sometimes seen as intimidating, and it can be difficult to know how to connect with them. But the fact is that underneath the surface, they are facing issues just like all of us – and they need Jesus. In Croydon, gang culture and knife crime are just one of the issues they have to face.”

Laurah spends much of her time in local schools, sharing the Bible in a relevant and engaging way. This might involve anything from a talk at an assembly to putting on an interactive play.

“My vision for Croydon's young people comes from Psalm 78:4-7 – that as a church we would ‘tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done...that the next generation might know them, so that they should set their hope in God’”

Laurah is married to Jason and they have four children. To unwind, Laurah likes nothing more than knitting.

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