Before Jesus left this earth, he issued a command – to make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that he has commanded us.
It wasn’t a suggestion. It was a command to share the hope we have in Jesus Christ. A command to seek the lost and call them to him.
The new year brings with it time for self-reflection and an opportunity to reassess our priorities.
We often make resolutions to get fit, be better friends or parents, travel the world, and experience new things. It’s also a great time to remember Jesus’ great commission and assess how we can share the gospel and make disciples in his name in the new year.
Our love for others flows out of our love for God. As we get ready to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with people, it’s a good time to check how our walk with God is going.
Pray that his Spirit keeps working within us to soften our hearts towards him and others. Spend time in his word, the bible, and ask him for that revelation that leads to a better understanding of his character.
Neighbour is such a broad term. It can be challenging to know where to start. My suggestion is to start literally with the neighbours around our home. Do we know them?
We cannot love someone if we don’t know them. We can start by intentionally sharing our lives with the people who live near and around us in the new year.
Perhaps find three neighbours to get to know better and pray for them regularly.
We must be intentional about meeting people. How about getting off the bus a couple of stops early to pop into a particular corner shop to talk to the people who work there? Planning and praying for opportunities to talk to people in our community is a helpful first step to being more intentional about reaching others for Jesus.
Don’t think that age, culture, or social background is a barrier to making friends in your community. Start going out into the world to build friendships with others.
We can’t reach a community straight away. Start small. Start with two to four people you know who have yet to hear about Jesus Christ and befriend them.
The goal, however, isn’t to merely tell them the gospel and leave. The goal is to love them, share our lives with them and give faithful answers when God gives us the opportunity to tell them why we care for them.
People aren’t gospel projects. They are image bearers of God and incredibly valuable to him.
When we look to build a relationship with others for the sake of the gospel, we must be prepared to be vulnerable. A relationship needs to be two-sided. Be prepared to open your life, your home, and share what you are going through too.
We may get hurt. But our consistent care can also prompt others to change their behaviour. This change can occur because we we’re kind to them when they didn’t expect it. And God can use that to give us opportunities to tell them the reason why we care for them.
Is your church visiting homes in the local area in the new year? Could you serve Jesus in that way? Knocking on people’s doors can be intimidating, but so often people are pleased to see you.
It’s an opportunity to step outside our comfort zones to share the gospel with others. And more often than not, there’ll be great conversations that could encourage your faith too.
If you’re still unsure of sharing the gospel with others, London City Mission offers short and long-term courses that can equip you and help grow your confidence. Why not sign up to a Practical Evangelism Training day in the new year? It's a fantastic one day workshop that will inspire you to share the good news with your community in a practical and achievable way.
Ask God for opportunities to share the gospel. You can also encourage others and help extend God’s kingdom by prayerfully and financially supporting others who are already sharing their lives with others for the sake of Jesus Christ.
Did you know that every week you can meet a missionary and pray for them? It’s a wonderful way to find out what God is doing in London. Do sign up to meet LCM missionaries at our regular online prayer meetings or get our free quarterly prayer guide Together.
Marlene Botha is a missionary in Tower Hamlets. She works to equip churches to sensitively share the gospel message of God’s grace within their communities.
To support Marlene or find out more about her work, visit here.
If you are interested in being trained for evangelism or think your church could benefit from training in the new year, find out more here.