Bible Study

God's Mission and Our Story

Alan Black

Bible Study

God's Mission and Our Story


Within God’s missional story we find all we need; strength and hope, power and wisdom, joy and comfort. We discover who he wants us to be, how he wants us to act and what he calls us to say to the world around. It’s exciting, equipping and envisioning.

In God’s Mission and Our Story you’ll find nine short chapters, including text, reflective questions, points for prayer and praise and inspiring stories. Perfect for your personal devotions, or to reflect on together with friends.

As you read (or reread) the Bible and are drawn into its grand narrative as active participants, may you revel afresh in the love, purpose and hope that story brings.


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Written by: Alan Black

Alan Black is the Director of Studies at London City Mission. Serving in the training department equipping our missionaries to think Biblically and theologically about their ministry, so that they can engage with church leaders and help them to mobilise and equip their congregations.
