
Opportunities for Grace

Olly Sherwood

18 Sep 2023


Opportunities for Grace


Sometimes, you must expect the unexpected on the high street sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with strangers.

I was out one day with the LCM team and a few volunteers from the local church. We were playing Christian music and sharing the gospel when a man stormed over with his pitbull off the leash.

The man, visibly angry, yanked the plug out of our speakers and started shouting, "You're disturbing everyone!"

I initially felt antagonistic and thought, "But you're the one that's creating the disturbance right now." But I quickly caught myself and changed my approach.

I gently pointed out to the man, "Let's be honest. You're not angry with us. There's something deeper here that is coming out in your anger."

His attitude changed immediately. I could see my words hit true. I sat down next to the man, began stroking his dog, and shared the gospel with him.

It was then the man admitted he was a broken person. I couldn’t help but respond, "Yeah, we all are, friend."

By the end of our conversation, the man apologised, hugged me, and left with a New Testament and an invitation to church.

It’s remarkable what grace can do in a world hostile to the gospel. By responding with grace and seeing where the man was coming from, God's intervention turned a potentially violent situation into a moment of understanding.

Street evangelism can be daunting, but stepping out in faith to share Jesus with strangers is a journey filled with unexpected moments, powerful encounters, and opportunities for growth.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

1. Expect the Unexpected

You don’t know what the day will hold. You may encounter strong opposition, but you might also find an opportunity to connect deeply with someone. I went out with a team member recently to reach people with the gospel at their homes. I remember a woman opening her door.

“I can’t talk. I’ve got a lot going on...” she said frantically, ready to close the door.

I asked gently if she wanted us to pray for her. And she said yes. This woman teared up as she revealed her nervousness about an upcoming call, and we prayed together.

The conversation soon got to the gospel, and we offered to return the following week with a Bible. She gladly accepted, and she’s since expressed interest in visiting the church.

Sometimes, through prayer, what looks like a closed door can unexpectedly turn into an open one. We can't predict how people will react, but we can trust that every encounter has a purpose.

2. It’s not about us

When sharing the gospel, it's essential to remember that it's not our clever words that convict people. It’s the work of the Holy Spirit.

When that angry man came up, my immediate reaction was to retaliate. Then, as clear as day, this verse from Galatians 3:16 came into my heart, encouraging me to walk by the Spirit and not gratify the desires of the flesh.

If we look at Galatians 5:13-16, it says:

“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

Galatians 5:13-16

We need to rely on the Holy Spirit to speak through us despite feeling nervous and unsure. This dependence on God’s power ensures that the message of Jesus reaches hearts in a way that human effort alone cannot achieve.

3. Nervousness is good

Feeling nervous about street evangelism is natural. Not everyone is comfortable with the unknown!

But nervousness can also be beneficial. It keeps us humble and reliant on God rather than our abilities.  It was nervousness that drove me to lean on the Lord and step out in faith, trusting that God would use their efforts despite their fears.

We had a church volunteer who was so nervous she didn’t even tell us she was going to turn up to our street evangelism event under the Lewisham clock tower. She had come to our training and understood how important it was to share the gospel. But the thought of sharing Jesus with complete strangers terrified her.

It didn’t stop her, however. She turned up that Saturday, relying on God to work through her. We saw her walk up to people, strike up conversations, and boldly proclaim Christ crucified. She was such an encouragement to us all that day.

Don’t let nervousness prevent you from sharing Jesus's important message with the people around you. After all, we're bringing people the message of love and salvation. It is the only thing that can heal broken wounds and change people’s lives for eternity.

4. See opportunities for grace 

There can be resistance to the saving message of Jesus Christ. We know this from scripture. While confrontations can be challenging, they also provide a chance to demonstrate God's grace.

It wasn’t easy facing that angry man with his pit bull. But when we choose to respond with calmness and kindness, we can have heartfelt conversations about Jesus. Through the intervention of the Holy Spirit, that tense moment turned into a powerful example of how grace can shine brightest in moments of conflict.

Street evangelism or door to door evangelism is an incredible way to share the love of Jesus with others. Embrace the journey, trust in the Holy Spirit, let your nervousness push you towards God, and view every confrontation as a chance to extend grace.

If you or your church are interested in being trained to share Jesus with people in your community, do visit

Written by: Olly Sherwood

Olly Sherwood is an LCM Missionary serving in Lewisham. He was involved in LCM's prison ministry sharing the gospel with those in prison.
