Thought Piece

Becoming magnetic for Jesus

18 Jul 2024

Thought Piece

Becoming magnetic for Jesus


Dan Strange, Director of Crosslands Forum, spoke to us about how we can become magnetic for Jesus.

"The most effective way that we will bring people to the Lord Jesus is when they come to Christ because He is attached to us. He is the magnet. And the truth of the matter is that people will be magnetised to us when we are magnetised to Jesus. We need to start with ourselves as individuals. Are you magnetised and attached to Jesus?"

Dan challenged us to live out our daily lives where our evangelism flows from our discipleship, where we don't see evangelism as a pie chart - a small segment of our lives, but as a flow diagram where everything connects to everything else.

He highlighted that we become and stay magnetised by loving Jesus, loving our identity in Jesus and by loving Jesus' body, the church.

"It's so important that we recognise that we stay magnetised by coming together as God's people and being family together and all those things that that entails."

Later on, Dan introduced the concept of Magnetic spaces which are attached to the church but have their own integrity to be a gateway for people to consider or be introduced to who Jesus is.

"The greatest magnetic space we have is people coming together on a Sunday with God's people hearing God's word...but I still wonder how do we reach people who are so far over the horizon that for them to come and meet Jesus in the church service is going to be so difficult."

Spaces like book clubs, film clubs, English speaking classes etc can be instrumental to creating opportunity to get people thinking about their fundamental commitments, their loves, their desires through the lens of the gospel. Not in opposition - eyeball to eyeball, but side by side with conversational difference potentially leading to conversional difference.
