Missionary Kevin Croft invites us to step out into an adventure, and meet the people behind the doors of your local neighbourhood.
What are your first thoughts when you hear the words: “Door to door ministry?”
For some of us, the very thought of knocking on a stranger’s door can strike fear into our hearts. But the reality can often be very different than we imagine.
I was recently out in Vauxhall, with one of our new missionaries, and we knocked on the door of Belinda*, a Jehovah’s Witness. As we chatted, Belinda invited us into her living room. The conversation turned to the Bible, and together we read through the first chapter of Ephesians. We saw that God chose us before the beginning of time, and that was mind-blowing for Belinda. It might sound surprising, but many people want to listen and chat about matters of life and faith. We ended up talking for an hour and a half, and wonderfully, it’s laid the ground for more visits in the future.
A story behind every door
It’s often referred to as ‘door-to-door’ or ‘door-knocking’. But, at its heart, it’s about meeting people, getting to know them, their stories and seeking to build meaningful relationships. And it’s about taking opportunities to share our faith, which so often naturally present themselves once we connect with people.
Another time, a Middle-Eastern man, who had once been a Muslim but now identified as an atheist, welcomed myself and a colleague into his home. After just 30 seconds at the door, he invited us in, asking, “Do you want some coffee?” His warm hospitality made us feel immediately welcome, especially as he served us delicious Arabian coffee. My colleague even left with a pair of pyjamas! That’s a story for another day - but my point is, you never know who you will meet, or the conversations you will end up having. It’s exhilarating. And when we do it, we’re living out the mission of the church by obeying the call to go…
Where is the church’s mission field?
As Christians, our church’s location is no accident. We’re placed where we are to draw the people around us into relationship with God and with his family. Our neighbourhood is our mission field – and we have the best news in the world to share!
Within a five-minute walk, there will be hundreds, maybe thousands of men, women and children – each with their own unique story, their own hopes and fears. Some may be isolated and lonely, going days without seeing anyone. Some may be living in acute despair, desperate for true hope. Many won’t have a Christian friend to share the gospel with them.
The sad fact is we can easily go through church life, never meeting any of them. They may live their whole lives right next door to our churches, never hearing the gospel, and not even knowing why we’re here.