
Ep 9: How can I share Jesus with people from other faith backgrounds?

25 Jan 2024


Ep 9: How can I share Jesus with people from other faith backgrounds?


"Through authentic relationships, doors will open for meaningful conversations about faith..."

Join us for episode 9, as we explore how we can confidently share Jesus with people from other faith backgrounds.

Through personal stories and practical tips, we'll discover the importance of authentic connections, open conversations and asking good questions.

Watch the episode or listen via your preferred podcast provider (links available below)

Further resource: Access our How to Guide 10 things to remember when speaking with Muslims – drawn from the experiences of our missionaries here.

"Our challenge is to not make barriers, but build bridges for the message of Jesus to cross over."

Everyday Evangelism Podcast

EPISODE 9: How can I share Jesus with people from other faith backgrounds?
