
Ep 10: How can we make Jesus known across all generations?

9 Feb 2024


Ep 10: How can we make Jesus known across all generations?


“I love that picture of the church on the move together, different ages, experiencing God, sharing his love...”

Join us for episode 10, the final in this series of our Everyday Evangelism podcast, as we explore how we can encourage all generations to be involved in sharing the love of Jesus.

We'll hear practical advice and inspiring stories, unpacking how both older and younger people can be empowered to activate their faith and share Jesus with those around them.

We're joined by Gareth Jones, LCM Field Director for children, youth, and schools, and Alexandra Drew, Lead Officer for Faith in Later Life, who equip Christians to reach out to and empower older people.

Watch the episode or listen via your preferred podcast provider (links available below).

“Church is like a massive family where there is a role for everybody... All hands are needed on deck for us to reach everybody with the good news of Jesus”.

Gareth Jones

Everyday Evangelism Podcast

EPISODE 10: How can we make Jesus known across all generations?

Want to hear more? Access the full series!

How do we bring Jesus into everyday conversations?

How do we inspire our local church for mission?

How do we inspire our local church for mission?

Access all 12 episodes of the Everyday Evangelism podcast here.
