
Josef's story


Josef's story


Matthew 11:28 says “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

The latest report from the Combined Homelessness and Information Network (CHAIN) revealed a massive 21 per cent rise in rough sleeping in London.

A total of 10,053 people were seen sleeping rough in our capital during 2022-23 – of which 64 per cent were reported to be new to homelessness – up from 8,329 the previous year.

Churches, community centres and charities across the country are preparing for a difficult season. More than 60 years ago, London City Mission and London Embankment Mission launched Webber Street Day Centre to offer practical Christlike care and hope to people who are living on the streets.

Today, Webber Street is still a hub of support and care that in practical terms looks like, an average of:

  • 65-80 homeless guests per day from about 36 different countries of origin who have the opportunity to hear the gospel
  • 27 showers taken weekly
  • 15 toiletries given to guests daily
  • 7 staff needed to safely run a morning session

All this combined leads to guests describing Webber Street as an oasis – a place of calm, respite and refreshment, a retreat from the chaos of life on the street.

Daniel Coghill, Team Leader at Webber Street, says, “That’s something really valuable we can offer to people who live chaotic and unpredictable lives, a place that is calmer for them is incredibly helpful and can help them relax and feel safe.”

While the majority of people who use Webber Street’s services are homeless, guests like Josef are also supported.

Josef started coming to Webber Street after he overcame homelessness. He became homeless 10 years ago, after his wife died and he fell into difficult times.

“When she died, I went downhill” he says. “I fell behind on my rent and eventually got evicted to live on the streets.”

He went on to live in hostels, then got his own studio flat and that’s when he first came to Webber Street, seven years ago.

His current flat is leaky in wet weather and suffers with heavy pollution, and Josef is unable to afford food or heating. Hot breakfasts at Webber Street keep him going.

He relies on Webber Street for company, for help with essentials and to sustain him spiritually. Webber Street has given Josef a chance to open up to faith and Joseph, through God's grace and mercy, was baptised this year.

Derick Green, Support Worker at Webber Street says, “At Webber Street, the Lord is with us. He has established this place and He keeps it going; Every day at Webber Street, we see that His presence is active here. I think of Webber Street as an ark. Not the ark of Noah, but the ark of Jesus floating in the world, carrying people to safety, gathering people to bring them deliverance, to bring redemption and to bring salvation.”
