
God's love in action


God's love in action

Ray's incredible backpack

Life on the streets is brutal and lonely, with little respite.

Webber Street Day Centre is here to provide not only practical care but also a loving gospel-focused community. Ministry staff and volunteers share Jesus' love in ways that offer eternal hope and bring guests into fellowship with people in churches.

Ray* has lived on the streets on and off for many years. He wasn’t a regular guest at the Webber Street Day Centre, but he would come by from time to time.

He stood out even more when he walked in with a backpack that declared, “Please believe in Jesus Christ! Believe in God!” The Webber Street team were curious.

One day, Ray came to the Day Centre distressed. His bag had been stolen the night before, and with it, his ID, making it nearly impossible to get his National Insurance number.

The team at Webber Street started to help him navigate the bureaucratic maze.

“Ray needed his National Insurance number to get paid or find a place to stay. When he tried to contact someone to get his National Insurance number, they wanted to see his ID. It was a never-ending circle,” explains Jennifer.

“We filled out paperwork, sent emails, and attended meetings with him. I drafted and sent a long letter explaining the situation, and we waited.”

But that wasn’t all.

Ray began attending Webber Street’s evening meals, including those hosted by our church partner, Grace London. He hadn’t been in a church for years but expressed a desire to reconnect with his faith.

Dinners hosted by Grace London

“Ray's faith journey continued to inspire us,”

Working together, the Webber Street team and Grace London ensured he felt welcomed at church. This warmth and acceptance seemed to rekindle something in him.

More fantastic news eventually came: Ray got his National Insurance number.

This victory, resulting from collective effort and perseverance, could now open opportunities for him — finding a job, getting benefits, and securing a place to stay. More importantly, Ray is no longer isolated. Through Webber Street, he has a community of Christians who support him practically and spiritually.

The collaboration between Webber Street and Grace London, the dedication of church members who welcomed Ray, and Ray’s own response to experiencing God’s love, are moving examples of the power of Jesus’ love through His people. And, it’s only the support of people like you who make this ministry possible.

“Reflecting on this journey, I see God's hand at work in every step,” says Jennifer.

“Whatever our roles may be, God is good and sovereign. The impact of his work continues through the lives we touch and the communities we build.”

*Name has been changed
