
Ep 2: What small steps can I take to share the good news?

5 Oct 2023


Ep 2: What small steps can I take to share the good news?


“You just don't know what small part you might play in someone's journey.” We unpack the power of stopping to share God’s love with individuals.

In episode two, we’re joined by Charlie Macdonald, our team leader for the pan-London Schools team, and James Tredgett, our team leader in Hackney, to dig into how to share God’s love with those he puts in our path.

With plenty of inspiring stories along the way, we explore the role we all have to play in sharing Jesus with those around us, and how God can use our unique strengths and even our weaknesses to draw people to him.

Watch below, or listen via your podcast provider.

“You just don't know what small part you might play in someone's journey.”

Charlie Macdonald, Team Leader for Pan London Schools Team

Everyday Evangelism Podcast

EPISODE 2: What small steps can I take to share my faith?
