London City Mission is a constitutionally non-denominational evangelical organisation. As such we are fundamentally committed to the authority of scripture and to sharing partnership with Christian churches who also share this commitment.
One way in which a commitment to scriptural authority would be evidenced by such churches is also agreeing to the Evangelical Alliance Basis of Faith, or similar, as we do.
In the context of varied views regarding the blessing of Same Sex relationships, LCM agree with the Evangelical Alliance (EA) Biblical and Pastoral Response to homosexuality, located on their website (as linked, and annexed below).
Given that we are regularly working in partnership with a diverse community of evangelical churches, we are willing to prayerfully journey with those leaders who are also in agreement with the linked EA statements. Where churches have spiritual oversight outside of the local church, we would seek clarity on the stance of their overseers towards these statements and how the church relates to them as a result.