
You have amazing potential to share good news of Jesus with people in London and beyond – and we’re here to help you do it.

At London City Mission, we believe everyone has gifts. We love to see Christians and churches using these to share faith with those around them. Our vision is to see more and more people sharing the gospel, with courage and compassion, wherever they are.

Imagine the incredible impact we could have, together.

But speaking to people about Jesus isn’t always easy, especially in a city like London.

For example, how do you start a conversation with a Muslim neighbour about Christianity? How do you practically help someone in need and tell them about Jesus, sensitively?

We have decades of experience in sharing the gospel in the ever-changing urban environment of a city like London.

Our training is practical and relevant, inspiring and Bible-based - and delivered by missionaries who are on the front line of the mission field every day.


20 September: Hospitality

"Hospitality" - if you were asked to give a definition, what would you say?

What if we expanded that definition of hospitality to ‘welcoming the stranger’? Think how this would widen the scope of what it means to be a church showing hospitality to the community. How might that change the way you open your home, or how you serve? How might that change who we interact with?

Join us for our Practical Evangelism Training day on Saturday, 20 September to consider what your church can practically do to be hospitable and welcoming to the stranger.


PET days

Get equipped and inspired at our Practical Evangelism Training Days

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Join like-minded Christians at a conference on an area of your passion

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College Placement

Looking for some experience of urban mission as part of your programme of theological studies?

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Foundation Programme

Ideal for young Christians who want to take their first steps in urban mission

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Pioneer Programme

Ideal for younger Christians starting out in urban ministry.

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Union school of theology

Want to study Theology? Already have a degree in another discipline? Why not register for Union School of Theology's Graduate Diploma

Find out more


You may also have a specific training need as a church. Perhaps there is a community close to your church that God has put on your heart to reach out to.

We are always open to discussing bespoke training sessions. Depending on location, this might be a one-off event or a series of sessions, customised specially for your church and your context.

Our team of experienced evangelists have a breadth of urban mission experience and can adapt to apply this to help your church. They can provide practical advice, teaching on Biblical foundations and even going out into the community with you, practically demonstrating how to effectively engage in gospel conversations.

Contact us using the form below and we'll be in touch to chat through your ideas for local mission and any support you might need.

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if you have a question about any of the training we offer, then please let us know and we'll be back in touch.

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*Mandatory field